Friday, 13 May 2016

Reflections T2 W2

This week in literacy we have been reading Charlotte’s web. We had to research spiders using I really enjoyed finding out about spiders I was surprised that spiders carry their eggs sacs on their backs or in their mouths. Here is the link for try and make a mind map yourself.

Their usual food is insects and other spiders but some of the larger spiders  have been seen to eat other small animals such as millipedes, woodlice (slaters), and even small lizards, frogs, and birds. But one kind of food that spiders normally do not eat are plants.

What do spiders look like.

Spiders have a head and an abdomen (belly). They have 8 legs and up to 8 eyes.Spiders have tiny hairs and claws on their legs that help them feel.

In topic we are learning about the Anzacs. I made a slideshow about the Grey Angels who were the nurses who were taking care of the soldiers in the war.

In Numeracy we have been learning how to read clocks. We are doing o'clocks, half past, quarter to and quarter past. I found that the o'clock and half past times were easy but the quarter to and quarter past times were a lot harder then I thought it would be.

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